Thursday, August 28, 2014

Infinity representin' at NOVA Open

The Capital Palette painting competition at the NOVA Open wargaming convention has the honor to be hosting in its display cabinets a collection of Infinity studio miniatures by the great Ángel Giráldez.

Corvus Belli's Infinity creator, Gutier Lusquinos, hand-delivered the models from Spain!

 Gutier shared with me a story that he heard, about a Rackham painter who was carrying Rackham studio models through customs.  The customs official demanded to open the case -- which he proceeded to open upside down.  A collection of one-of-a-kind miniatures fell onto the floor and shattered...along with a poor artist's heart.  

I want to thank Gutier and Angel for risking the hamfisted handling of their beautiful miniatures through customs!  But as Gutier noted, great art is meant to travel and meant to be shown in person to admirers throughout the world.


  1. Really neat stuff! Thank you for sharing the photos. I wish I could have been there to see them in person. I'm looking forward to pictures of the Capital Palette entries and your recap of the event.

    1. Thanks, David! I wish you could have been there, too. Would have been awesome to see your hobbit piece in the display cabinet. Be on the lookout for my show report in Figure Painter Magazine.

  2. The Infinity models were amazing. Great pictures. I overheard Dave Taylor and Mr. Justin comment that this is how they want to paint "when they grow up." Considering the caliber of their work that is a serious compliment. I was proud to be a part of it.

    Long Live Capital Palette!

    1. Thanks, Bob. Capital Palette couldn't have happened without you. Thank you so much for supporting the cause!

  3. I feel the same way about the infinity models. They were stunning to see in person. I don't know the game, but the model with the orange armor really struck me.

    1. John! Good to hear from you on the blog, dude. Yup, I feel inspired to paint one of my few Infinity models, even though I'll never play the game. I have an idea for a diorama, actually.


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