Sunday, September 17, 2017

Salt Flat Nomads

There are a bunch more models in the works where this guy came from.  But the project is losing momentum....

One of three sculpts for the 'Tribal Warrior'.  I'm painting two sets of these guys and gals. 
And then there are a half-dozen more models to paint in addition to the Tribal Warriors.

One, I played my game of Dark Age at NOVA Open, so I don't have a gaming goal to drive me forward to finish painting the figures.  And, two, these guys are really challenging to paint, because they have so much fine detail.  Probably the finest detail I've seen in a metal sculpt, on par with Confrontation Cynwall and Alahan figures.  So they're pretty time-consuming.  On the other hand, I've been enjoying the learning process, as I've worked on them.

So I'm posting a pic, in the hopes that it will give me a kick in the pants to finish out the project.  And I get to see how one of my new backdrops works (the MacroMat set by TableWars).  Pretty pleased with it!  It gives me a lot of flexibility to control the amount of colored "splash" in the background (very little here, which was what I wanted to test).

The sculpts are incredibly convincing in their anatomy, and the figures tell so much story in just their posing.  Given the style, I suspected that Patrick Masson was the sculptor, but I'm told the sculptors from Big Child Creative did the work for the Salt Flat Nomads, and I'm unfamiliar with who those sculptors are.  In any case, the poses and style of the figures really stir my imagination, which is what keeps me going on the project.


  1. That is really beautiful mike. The leather jacket, sword, and head scarf are fantastic. I love the glint of light on the sword blade.

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words, John! I agitate tremendously over my NMM these days, particularly where to *place* the lighting, so it's very reassuring to hear some positive feedback on that.

  2. REMATCH. Plan a trip to Maryland for the Winter.

  3. Ah, now that might be the motivation I need, ha, ha! I was so close to winning your Bloodgelt. Now just imagine what I could do, if I knew what I was doing!

  4. Looking awesome Mike! He really looks worn..

    1. Thanks, Todd! Yeah, this is how the Fremen *really* should have looked in the movie, Dune.


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